Or perhaps more accurately, she, whomever she is, packed nothing and I packed. Though not last night; I packed the night before. It just made for a cooler title, plus its a song lyric, which will make more sense in a moment. But i digress.
I slept last night in the lounge of my old house in Baulkham Hills, Sydney. Unfortunately, two of the four walls are floor to ceiling windows, and one of those opens out to the east. Meaning, at 5:45am, a mere 4 and a half hours after retiring for the night, i was awoken to blinding light and searing heat. I neglected to mention the air circulation in said lounge room is quite atrocious. You'd think the smart thing to do would be to close the blinds, and you'd be right, but by then the damage was done and my nourishing and refreshing slumber has been lost forever.
This second post marks the final hours of my presence in Australia. As I have said, I stayed last night in Sydney, and for those of you who are into that kind of thing, this happened:
Funeral For A Friend ->
Love Lies Bleeding
Bennie and the Jets
Philadelphia Freedom
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Tiny Dancer
I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues
Take Me To The Pilot
I Want Love
Someone Saved My Life Tonight
Postcards From Richard Nixon
Just Like Noah's Ark
The Bridge
The Captain & The Kid
Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters
Candle In The Wind
Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word
Crocodile Rock
The Bitch Is Back
Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting
Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
Your Song
I get a kick out of posting setlists. Elton John was a decidedly different experience to the two other concerts I've been to this month (one being John Mayer in a small theatre, blues based rock show; the other being front row at U2 with 60 000 others in Melbourne). The Entertainment Centre was filled to the brim with middle aged couples and middle aged non couples. I was sitting between two of those middle aged couples, it was kind of cool actually; they all had a knack for a bit of air piano playing.
The show itself was very much like going to a play, there was no support band, and no one really stood up except towards the very end. Rocketman was jammin' which is a word one wouldn't expect to be used in reference to an Elton John show, much less a mellow song like Rocketman but jammin' it was. This show was all about the songs, there was little fanfare, the guy is getting on I suppose, but it was really an exercise in good musicianship and songwriting. Candle In The Wind was probably the best of them.
My tea just ran out.
So I'm going to end this now. A long flight awaits me, hopefully before that breakfast does as well. Shout out to all those who left comments, you all do stuff good, especially Adam who took me to the airport.
Until our paths cross once more, keep left.
Sam <>< <>< ><> <><
Hey Stinky!
Hope you are having a lovely trip. I saw the olds and the kiddies off in Brisbane and they were all excited to be seeing you, again. Enjoying this most random blog. Have fun in the cold washington and I'll be thinking of you in hot Canberra.
See you bye
Saw that coming!
Hey Sam, Thanks for mentioning me in your blog! I have decided on a new fad... I call it the commenting in the Comments section of someone elses blog, no doubt someone else has thought of this, but as a tribute to them and many others I will tell you off my life as it happens in the comments section. The title is above and as the title above implies I saw a certain event happening before it happened.
The event for which I foresaw was me and Lizz breaking up, don't shed any tears I haven't yet...But alas my relationship ended where it started: Hanzel and Gretel Belco, I thought it rather funny us breaking up where I initiated our courtship just shy of a year ago in the positive.
So that is my news for the day: Me and Lizz broke up. Sad yes, disappointing yes, possibly due to me...Yes, Should I have said no lets work on this... Only time and God will know.
Oh well, can't win every round.
Hmmm, In regard to your flight and the such enjoy it and rest assured someone else you know very well is as "blah" as you would be having to sit on a 24hr flight.
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