Greetings all you fine people.
Here begins my blog, within which i plan to have daily, or almost daily, updates about what I happen to be doing or thinking about while in the USA for the next month. As a disclaimer, I don't believe I'll actually be doing all that much, so it will probably a lot of the latter.
This whole blog thing has been a movement i have thus far resisted purely and simply because I don't pretend for a moment to believe that anyone anywhere is actually interested in what I have to say. Thankfully, I got over that, and now i am perfectly at peace with the fact that at least my parents will find it mildly amusing, perhaps bemusing, or disturbing; the preface to all that being that they will, in fact, read it. So I hope anyway.
Presently I am still in sunny and not-quite-hot-yet Canberra, and will be departing tomorrow, so I'll keep this one relatively short. Plus, as I write this, no one knows it exists just yet, so I need to keep the interesting things for a later date. Which is, as the parenthesis suggest, the reason I hope this blog will, at some vacillating point, become interesting.
In the meantime, please enjoy the attatched picture of some Zebras. Just because.
May Your Showers Be Long and Warm.
Sam <>< <>< ><> <><
Ah Sam, so well written. I better be in the next blog for driving you to the airport! I'll read it don't you worry. PS Zebras were a good touch. Adam
Hi Sam,
Good start!!
Love Mum
Hey Sam,
You're doing a great job!
Love Mick.
Hey Sam. Mildly amused. True, we dont care what you think but will read on for lack of any other fulfilling interest. Looking forward to it. Col.
G'day Sam,
Apparently your Aunt Mand reckons you're a bit of a spunk. Personally, I'm not shifted by blokes and I'll have to take that as read.
So, you're bored, in Canberra and keen to let the world know you are there. Fine showing, never stopped anyone before nor should it you. There are only 3 types in CBR: Public Servants, Uni Stoodents and the Defence mob. Enjoy your cosmopolitan setting.
Personally, I'll be letting Mand tell me when your next post is, but in true appreciation, I'll read it. Try to add a bit more colour to the diatribe, will ya?
Hope you had a 'mock' Thanksgiving in honour of your Psuedo-Yank family.
Looking forward to crossing paths and meeting y'all. Lob in on the way to DC one day.
Ooo roo,
Pete & Mand
What's with the zebra??? Ferny
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