I mentioned in a previous post the size of coffees at Starbucks. It appears that this penchant for large things carries on into most aspects of American life. I don't pretend that this is much of a secret, nonetheless, I submit as evidence for your consideration the following:

These are condiments and associated products I found throughout the family home; note the Lego Jedi I strategically placed stage right to give you a sense of scale.
Now, this picture truly does beg the question: WHO NEEDS THAT MUCH PARMESAN CHEESE? That, at least, was the first thing I thought of. The next thing was the terribly impractical lid size atop the tomato sauce tub; then there is the apple sauce jar. It's breadth is almost the same as the tomato sauce tub, but it's lid is normal sized. Not to mention that it's apple sauce. Lego Jedi could have a nice picnic under the shade of that tower of Ranch dressing; my suspicion is that these crazy American's must use that stuff on their breakfast cereal or something.
Where does one go from there?
I was watching a TV show today about the greatest songs of the 80's, it was about as entertaining as it sounds; the highlight, though, was the following statement made about a rap artist who:
"Had beats so slick it was almost criminal"
That is one of the most amazing descriptions of I've ever heard of anything. Ever. I laughed out loud when I heard it, my mother did not find it nearly as amusing as I did.
I never ended up getting to sleep after the previous post. This means I am awfully tired now. And that's all I've got for now.
Keep doing stuff good.
Sam <>< ><> <>< <><
I think once you've been in the US long enough these large items are not that rare. I say this because Dad said that he didn't realise how big the parmesan cheese was until you said it! Its amazing what 18 months in the US can do for someone!
I am with Gill, the items of interest were not in some American household but rather a typically yobbo Australian home! (No offence Pete, Jude etc.) Perhaps it says something about what your loved ones are eating on their cereal??? What are your plans for your time over there Sam? You sound kind of bored already?
Congrats on your new cousin - Roma Margaret born yesterday to Leo and Catherine. Both well!
Love to all xo Amanda
Old enough to know who you are...
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